Links: 2010-October

How to Use the restrict Qualifier in C

Douglas Walls

Objects referenced through a restrict-qualified pointer have a special association with that pointer. All references to that object must directly or indirectly use the value of this pointer. In the absence of this qualifier, other pointers can alias this object.

Extending web.config in ASP.NET

Aaron Johnson

   <sectionGroup name=”myapplication”>
      <section name=”types” type=”System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler”/>
      <section name=”security” type=”System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler”/>

and then you add the actual settings:

      <add key=”section” value=”com.ignitionlabs.Section” />
      <add key=”template” value=”com.ignitionlabs.Template” />
      <add key=”/controlpanel/” value=”Systems Administrators,Project Managers” />
      <add key=”/members/” value=”members” />

Switching Between HTTP and HTTPS Automatically: Version 2

Matt Sollars

SecureWebPageModule is a class that implements the IHttpModule interface. HTTP modules give programmers a means of “attaching” to a Web application to process its events. It’s like descending from the System.Web.HttpApplication class and overriding the application and session events in a Global.asax file. The main difference is you don’t have to worry about copying and pasting the same code into the file for every application that is to use it. HTTP modules are simply “linked in” to a Web application and become part of the pipeline.

The goal of this security solution is to allow a developer to easily secure a website without the need to hard-code absolute URLs. This is accomplished by listing the files and/or directories that should be secured by SSL. It only seems natural to have a custom configuration section for this.

Licensed Memory in 32-Bit Windows Vista

Geoff Chappell

That 32-bit editions of Windows Vista are limited to 4GB is not because of any technical constraint on 32-bit operating systems. The 32-bit editions of Windows Vista all contain code for using physical memory above 4GB. Microsoft just doesn’t license you to use that code.

IIS7. Why Global Managed Modules are Disallowed

David Wong

This is a very good thread, not only discussing about IIS 7, but also about design consideration behind, and software development philosophy.

Using advanced logging to log custom module data


Post-Mortem Debugging Revisited

Stefan Worthmuller

Distributed Caching On The Path To Scalability

Iqbal Khan

A distributed cache as a concept and as a best practice is gaining more popularity. Only a few years ago, very few people in the .NET space knew about it, although the Java community has been ahead of .NET in this area. With the explosive growth in application transactions, databases are stressed beyond their limits, and distributed caching is now accepted as a vital part of any scalable application architecture.

SQL Server: Understanding and Controlling Connection-Pooling Fragmentation

Mohammed Mawla